Tuesday, September 12, 2006

At the UPLB Forestry

Today I traveled 7 hours back and forth to UPLB for an important meeting which lasted only an hour. It breaks my heart every time I leave my little baby behind. But today, I told myself that it would only be for a few hours and I'll be back.

The long bus ride left me with a nausea and a throbbing headache all the while thinking why I have to do this thing. Then I am back there again in LB, as always going back to the campus and seeing the old familiar campus is a trip down memory lane. Almost everything reminds me of something whenever I come back to UPLB. This morning, I realized I miss the mountain air and the trees--- those wonderful, tall and gracious trees. While I was standing waiting for the jeep at the upper campus outside the Forest Science Building, I caught myself yearning to stay longer and be with the trees. I was a bit sad that I can't stay long. It was a reminder why I was led to where I am now, why I am into conservation work and why I love being in the mountains.

I can't wait till we can bring Isay up the mountains.

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