Saturday, April 16, 2005

Following my muse

Behind the screen of my Toshiba, pasted on the wall are two postcards of Venezia and Assisi. These are from Taunya, a friend who works part of the year in Italy and the other half in Utah and maybe before in Germany. She was a Peace Corps volunteer here in the Philippines a few years back and we were housemates in Palawan for over a year. Tucked in are memories of mine. My mind has been wandering around for the many possibilities of the future.

Been able to have some precious time for some musing, just this morning I thought it would indeed be great to continue to work for conservation and be able to travel to Europe and Latin America. Maybe really really learn a new language. I remember I dropped out of my Spanish class just before I moved to Palawan in 2001.

Life seems to begin anew with thoughts of unexplored places. I guess I've been bitten by wander lust.

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