Drove through traffic at a crawling pace. I am literally swimming in traffic this morning. When you are driving alone at this kind of pace, the mind tends to wander.
Nothing is permanent but change. The wheels of change are turning, fast. Faster than I think I can keep up. In my mind I am thinking that things need to change in many aspects of my life.
Been wanting that dream house. Should I just settle for a house house? I want a garden, a house I can call home with a great view. I want my own room with a bed that is huge and comfortable. Sigh these are my dream now.
Been dreaming of other things too. Of course you would have guessed. Yes that trip to Europe again Greece and specifically Santorini. I should be writing these really to make them manifest. And yes, South America Brazil, Argentina. Sigh.
I want to make small changes too. In my everyday life, change the time I go to work, meditate more, write more of these thoughts before I completely forget that I have these small dreams too.
I want a clean house. no clutter. I want a walk in closet with just enough clothes that I don't get confused what to wear. Haha.
Been wanting and dreaming. So what is the difference of wanting and dreaming?