Monday, March 26, 2007

in sickness and in health

For the past 10 days our lives have been on a roller coaster. Baby Isay got sick two weeks ago with fever on and off so we went to the doctor. She got her first blood test which confirmed bacterial infection. After one week of antibiotics, she started having fever again now with vomiting and severe diarrhea. I was really really scared.

Last Thursday, we brought her to the emergency room and she was confined for acute gastroenteritis. But we were really scared that she was dehydrated already when we brought her to the hospital last Thursday. We were in the hospital for two days. Thank God she is now Ok. She is recovering. I was only able to send sms to few friends.

Thank you to all those who prayed for baby Isay to get better. Thank you very much for your prayers. She is now ok and I believe recovering well. We are home this Sunday.

No one can tell us what caused this, Dr. Lajo said it was viral. And maybe something she ate or put in her mouth. The last thing I remember she ate was taho before she got the fever. I really felt bad that I wasn't able to prevent this. But I guess there will always be the risk. I understand the responsibility of us being parents to a child totally dependent for everything that she needs. It breaks my heart to see her suffer. Now I realize that indeed it is a great responsibility to care for a child.

I need to nurture a strong spirit for her. She is just 9 months old and I am looking forward to many more years of learning together. I am learning lessons that cannot be taught in any university. Life totally shapes into a new dimension when you go through difficult times. It is different from all previous trials as this one experience is with my own child.

I look forward to the days when we can all travel together and see the world. Grow old gracefully and see my baby grow to be healthy. There will be a time that we will climb mountains together. I can't wait.

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